Hsieh Yu-Cheng :Natural sequence
24 Dec 2021 - 19 Feb 2022 YIRI ARTS '......, when one desperately tries to complete the existential physical expression of life or nature, what we end up completing is not the physical, but the methodological form of expression itself, that is, the exhaustive way of expression. ......' -Looking for Paul Cezanne in the Mountain The first digital photograph... Read more -
23 Dec 2021 - 23 Jan 2022 YIRI ARTS One day, I dreamt that I became a human vector. Circling, rocking, galloping…, in the world of vectors, black steeds flit past a crack, running back and forth in a moment's time. As if framed within the webpage, the horses in captivity, dependent on and programmed by the instructions... Read more -
25 Nov - 11 Dec 2021 YIRI ARTS Each rotation of the kaleidoscope makes the world in front of us unknown unexpectedly. Where one mirror after another is the kaleidoscope that we were familiar with when we were young, just like the scenery of every moment in life. Looking at the nine participating artists works seem as if... Read more -
Hou Chen-Lu:A triangle, 3:34 to 6:16 pm, a time-visible triangle
25 Nov - 11 Dec 2021 YIRI ARTS It's easy to fall into the exact scene of a childhood memory embedded in the cracks of everyday life. Summer was always sultry, the whole family slept on the ground of the living room, one quilt, bamboo mat on top. The fan was shaking its head from side to side... Read more
30 Oct - 20 Nov 2021 YIRI ARTS What are the possibilities for the narrative of threads? The relationship between the terms Text, Textile, and Texture is very interesting and, somehow, poetic. They derive from the Latin 'Texo', which means 'to weave' words and sentences. The sensuality of the intertwining threads passing through the fingertips is like the... Read more -
Chen Wei-Chen:Silver Dust
16 Oct - 20 Nov 2021 YIRI ARTS Captured virtual light and shadows from the sequence and repetitive industrial creations, just as a complete but unreal object that exists in a different space. Fingers wiping over the silver dust. The observation of everyday objects as the starting point, extending to self-experience, cultural identity and environmental awareness, presenting the... Read more -
Wei Po-Jen:Dark Wall
24 Sep - 22 May 2021 YIRI ARTS 'When examining the many bizarre rituals from primitive tribes and great civilizations of the past, these rituals lead people across those difficult gates of transformation-requiring both conscious and unconscious change in life patterns.... The so-called growth rituals that figured prominently in the life of primitive societies (rites of birth, naming,... Read more -
Mile End
16 Sep - 16 Oct 2021 YIRI ARTS Mile End is the name of a place located in the East End of London, which means 'one mile from a small village'. If you pick up your smartphone and search for East End, the internet will tell you that it is home to a large number of poor people... Read more
Ong Hong-Chuan:The Many Headed “Monsters” or is it The Many Headed Gods ?
16 Sep - 9 Oct 2021 YIRI ARTS The Many Headed 'Monsters' or is it The Many Headed Gods? In Greek Mythology, we remember Zeus as the father and king of all Greek's gods, many of his heroic off springs killing monsters to save mankind. So where do all these monsters come from? Who created these monsters? Then... Read more -
Chen Yu-Erh:A Fleeting Eternity
12 Aug - 4 Sep 2021 YIRI ARTS Yu-Erh Chen‘s art practice centered on animal protection. She often creates sculpture to eternalize her relationships with wildlife. Using lacquer as her medium, Chen creates specimen-like sculptures that show her intimate link to these animals; she presents them at their best to make up for a sense of loss. Chen... Read more -
Daniel Sueiras Fanjul:How to be Animal
12 Aug - 4 Sep 2021 YIRI ARTS 'We expected the executioner's axe to fall at any moment, but the truth was we would die ignorant and enslaved.' -Isle of Dogs Compared with our more dexterous primate cousins, humans have been able to utilize superior intellect, modern medicine, and technology to significantly extend our lifespans. Through natural selection... Read more -
Summer War
1 - 31 Jul 2021 YIRI ARTS YIRI ARTS is delighted to presents a large-scale group exhibition of works from eight Japanese artists in July this year. The exhibition was named SUMMER WARS. Art is an approach of communication between creators and society, and the people, which is its core purpose and value. Through the works of... Read more
Peihang Benoit:All Her Bright Times
29 Apr - 22 May 2021 YIRI ARTS When looking back to the past, we realize that our experience of growing up is always inseparable from ideologies such as 'nation/family' or patriarchy'. The resistance to patriarchy that extends from the so-called 'always to be a child' is also engraved in life as the years pass. This is also... Read more -
Chen Hsiang-Fu:Strategies of Cartography
25 Mar - 17 Apr 2021 YIRI ARTS 當代生活中人們非常依賴Google Map、Google Earth、衛星空照圖、導航系統等科技。讓人們常有一種錯覺,好像地球上已無未知之處。然而2012年曾經有一座只存在於地圖裡的島 - Sandy Island ( Phantom island ),它被海圖及google map標記於澳洲東北邊的珊瑚海上,這座島卻不是因為海平面上升而淹沒消失,它本身的出現便是源自於人類的錯誤。這個例子顯露出主流地圖系統的破綻,如果地圖上的Sandy Island從不存在,那我們怎能確定地圖上所描繪的其他地點是真有其地?當Sandy Island遭到抹除,迫使我們了解,科技與訊息中呈現的世界或許不盡然是真實的。 當Google Map聲稱讓人類覽盡全世界,但其實Google Map不只是使用衛星照片,他們也倚賴多種資料,其中還包括過時的地圖,也有些國防機密、核電廠不會被記錄在其中。地圖是一個恆常變動結果,從國家、邊界、政治關係都有可能會改變地圖中的資訊。我們從中得知的世界通常是由國家允許,或者科技公司所(被允許)透露的資訊組成,而非真實。 而製圖(Cartography)是在其中不可或缺的技術工具,用來描述某個抽象體系關係的工具。從地形圖、道路地圖到心靈認知地圖(mental cartography)等等,製圖(Cartography)通常會依照不同的目的而生產圖面,一個國家的領土地圖時常是一份最直白的政治宣言。在我們熟悉的世界地圖中,哪些資訊是公開的,而哪些又會被隱藏,哪些重點會被強化了,哪些又會被模糊帶過,我開始質疑各種地圖被生產的方式和動機。 隨著這些質疑,我調查了以城市和地理區位為驅動力所發生的事件:當國家或各種企業組織,運用圖學所進行的社會介入。無論是以圖學作為基礎進行的,或刻意隱藏地圖中的資訊的舉動,又或者是以圖學為基礎產生的治理機制。其中的動機、技巧和最終目的與成果。都是我研究的範圍。希望從研究中找出,國家或科技企業的控制邏輯與破綻。在人類全面進入科技時代之際,資訊看似方便取得,卻是不是也隱藏了什麼意圖? 而我身為公民、身為使用者,該如何看待資訊、該如何懷疑、該如何身處其中了解自己可能的限制與自由? 「幻境副本」- 製圖學上的謬誤 在不同宗教的脈絡下,時常記載著伊甸園、地上樂園、極樂世界、天堂等等對於遠處樂土的想像,供應人們對於現世苦難的安慰。例如在中世紀的世界地圖通常將東方畫在我們現今認為的北方,在這個極東處的頂端有耶穌 。但隨著科技進步,將世界探索的一覽無遺之後,對於樂園的幻想破滅,如碦爾文神學家也承認樂園或許已經在洪水中消失,但是上帝還喜愛人類,讓地球上留有樂園的遺跡。 換而言之,人類需要樂園的存在,而因為太迫切的需要,罔顧現實與科學,描繪出各種謬誤地圖。以Sandy Island 為例 , 這個不曾存在的島嶼曾被記載於海圖、通用地圖和Google Map上,在還未被證實是一座不存在的島嶼之時,卻有網民在Google Map上傳了假的景觀照,等恍若曾經拜訪過島嶼的內容。但這座島嶼本身,和島嶼之上的房子山脈和地景照全屬虛構。若我們深究其緣故,或許人們不願意相信那座島只是單純的標記失誤,而更傾向將地圖上的誤差視為夢想之地,在Google Map上幻想這座幽靈島嶼的可能。 收集製圖上的幽靈島嶼地理資料、影像、世界座標,利用3D列印數位再製這些幽靈島嶼,並且規劃以台灣為起始點,前往此島的虛擬路徑列印為船票,以投射出人們探索夢想之地的純真幻象。 地圖作為人類探索世界或者是管理世界的工具,也投射出人類對於空間的慾望。人們總認為世界上存在尚未被發現的處女地,向外探索是人類原始的渴望。而探索中的傳奇軼聞也為強化了其神秘與吸引力。人們克服重重阻礙,突破奇異的島嶼迷障、抵禦暗伏的神秘怪物,最終來到了幻境入口。 然而這一切都不真實,只是認知偏誤讓謬誤樂園如此栩栩如生。 Read more -
Lai Wei-Yu:A Tiny Exhibition
25 Mar - 17 Apr 2021 YIRI ARTS Artist Lai Wei-yu's world of art is like Fellini's Trojan Horse, depicting the strange masses in exaggerated festive celebration. Transitioning from realistic portraits to the fantastic, symbolic, and dramatic style seen now, Lai takes seemingly absurd situations and explores them with a childish wonder, creating paintings reminiscent of Fellini's rainbow... Read more -
Li Shih-Wen:The Wild
20 Feb - 13 Mar 2021 YIRI ARTS 'The Wild', as the exhibition attempts to describe, refers to the state of things that constantly flow under the cover of time, but are never rid of their original status. In this way, 'The Wild' narrates an all-embracing position: whether it is a vast forest or a rapidly changing city,... Read more
Tomoko Hasuwa:Licht
20 Feb - 13 Mar 2021 YIRI ARTS 19th-century Impressionist artists Monet, Renoir, Cézanne, Gauguin, and Van Gogh would venture from their studios in pursuit of light, capturing raw intuitive impressions with swift brush strokes. In the same way, French Impressionist composer Claude Debussy 's piano pieces could transform light into the endlessly diverse changing sounds of nature.... Read more -
Shih Yung-Chun:Resume
8 Jan - 6 Feb 2021 YIRI ARTS I'm always confused about the time of my birth, as it seems to be noon, then I heard it's dusk. This is not very important, but I can't get the real answer when my friends talk about the rising constellation. In the end, I just pick the one I like... Read more