Uncooperative Movement
Laura Limbourg, Jan Soumar 21 Oct - 22 Nov 2020 YIRI ARTS Laura Limbourg, hailing from Belgium and currently studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, draws inspiration from her six-month journey in Southeast Asia. Her paintings depict exotic jungle flora, Asian religious symbols and statues, as well as persecuted sex workers on city streets. Laura deliberately captures the naked... Read more -
Chang Chun-Yi & Chang Kai-Chun:A Pale View of Hills
10 Sep - 4 Oct 2020 YIRI ARTS 'I believe that taste, smell, color, etc. exist in consciousness. Therefore, if there is no living being, these qualities also cease to exist.' - Galileo Artists have played the role of observers and recorders in the history of human culture. As many diverse individuals in different times and spaces exist,... Read more -
Wu Chia-Yun:A Song for Loss
6 - 30 Aug 2020 YIRI ARTS Since my study in 2008, my practice centres on the research and production of fictional filmmaking. My motivations to question the potentiality of image has led to an experimental exploration with materials and forms. My former experience in filmmaking has allowed me to apply the technique of film narration, mise... Read more -
Wang Yu-Song:Being in Both Formosa
4 - 26 Jul 2020 YIRI ARTS The incident occurred in the week following 2015, after the earthquake had ended. As I walked past the collapsed building, which was still leaning and had not been demolished, rescue workers were searching for victims who had not yet left the building. The Hualien government had brought in many cranes... Read more
Wu Ming-Hsing:The Twelfth Night Forever
28 Apr - 17 May 2020 YIRI ARTS When the Holy Spirit is poured out on us, the wilderness becomes a fertile field, and the fertile field appears like a forest. ——— Isaiah, Chapter 32, Verse 15 The time is the winter of the millennium, and the place is an old apartment building in the Marais district of... Read more -
Claire Borde & Valerie Novello:Whisper of the Shores
13 Feb - 8 Mar 2020 YIRI ARTS Curator / Chang Kai-Chun The exhibition 'Whisper of the Shores ' is a dual reflection of the art of two French artists, Claire Borde and Valérie Novello. They explore the unknown in their respective life journeys through landscapes, as well as the projection of their own existence (Être) in these... Read more -
Tomoko Hasuwa:FES
2 Jan - 2 Feb 2020 YIRI ARTS Italian director Federico Fellini shot a film called 'Roma ' in 1972, which combined documentary and narrative elements. Typically, films that mix narrative and documentary aim to use the narrative to enhance the expression of the theme. However, in 'Roma,' Fellini reversed this formula by making the documentary segments the... Read more