金.提爾:12 Thoughts

2022年8月19日 - 9月10日 BACK_Y

金・提爾 (Guim Tió Zarraluk , 1987-)過往系列創作以解構時尚雜誌中名模五官肖像,處理五官臉部的風景,已轉向描繪地景的情感轉移多年。他以自然環境的模樣形塑人的的表情,呈現內心的風景。畫中的人臉是無名、身影渺小的,在繽紛多變的山巒及樹林的天地大美之間,文明社會下的煩惱都是微不足道的。舉凡政治、經濟、文明社會中牽動60億人口的所有變動,在浩瀚的大自然之前,都是渺茫而稍縱即逝的。



Smell of turpentine and oils.
Soft morning light
Becomes warm and intense in the evenings.

The bathroom is dirty with colors
.The carpet full of ashes.
The dishes are waiting to be washed.

An office chair with a different calling.
A million stains on the floor.
An avocado tree.

Fan hums,
Heat, chaos and humidity.
Background music.

The train runs every half hour.
Wi-Fi signal gets lost.
Everything is quiet.

That's when you can see them,
12 thoughts.
Stare and paint, stare and paint.

Text / Carla Ibanez Barquet