日本藝術家Soh Souen 將於2025年3月20日至4月12日舉辦其在台灣的首次大型個展。展覽期間,藝術家將於3月20日至22日下午2點至7點,於現場進行其行為藝術表演《Eggsercise》。歡迎各位一同共襄盛舉,共同見證這場融合身體與觀念的藝術實踐。

Soh Souen透過繪畫、裝置與表演,探討生命現象與身體之間的關係,其創作實踐不僅於日本,更遍及國際舞台。他持續發展自身的當代藝術實踐,並與旅居荷蘭的藝術家Sara Milio合作,展開於COVID-19期間啟動的表演計畫。此外,他亦參與Agathe Naito於銀座愛馬仕之家Le Forum的裝置作品演出,展現跨領域創作的多元性。

其重要展覽包括:「Winds of Artist in Residence 2022」(福岡亞洲美術館)、 「It's been breaking, and still breaking (yet not broken)」(rin art association)、「FATHOM - 塩田千春、金澤純、宗遡遠」(京都精華大學畫廊 Terra-S)等。2022年受邀參與福岡亞洲美術館駐村計畫,並於2024年,其裝置作品《肚臍與呼吸》(Bellybutton and Breathing)正式納入福岡美術館典藏。

Soh Souen透過其創作持續探索身體的存在性及其與空間、時間的交錯關係,在當代藝術領域中展現獨特的藝術語彙。

Performance by Soh Souen


I want to know the reasons to live with this fragile body.

 Dents and hollows, soft places and hard places.

I want to know why itʼs formed like this.

I want to know what I am.

I want to know what a body is.

I want to know where my border is.

And if possible, I want to know yours as well.


I want to be with something all the time and never leave for a second.

I want to know your temperature.

I want to know your touch. 

I want to know your scent. 

I want to know your weights.

I want to know the gravity that lays on us.


I want to know the way to hold on to the important things.

 I want to know the way to hold my important self.

I want to break othersʼ lives. 

I must not break othersʼ lives.

I want to know the real reasons for that.

I just want to know.