陳雲依。在澄月映出的交錯脈絡間相互繫絆 Dependent. Bound Within the Interweaving Context Reflected by the Clear Moon., 2022Acrylic on canvas100 × 100 cm, 175 × 100 cm
陳雲 Chen Yun偎。寄情在反覆摺疊痕中的依戀 Nestling. Embracing Attachment Within the Repeated Folded Creases., 2022Acrylic on canvas100 × 100 cm, 175 × 100 cm
陳雲 Chen Yun染。等待的流光循自由之意迸發 Dyeing. The Flowing Light of Waiting Bursts With the Essence of Freedom., 2023Acrylic on canvas70 × 70 cm, 70 × 20 cm, 70 × 120 cm
陳雲 Chen Yun曝。相倚高光訴衷徘徊於彩漬之徑 Basking. Leaning on Brilliance, Emotions Unfold on the Path of Vibrant Stains., 2023Acrylic on canvas70 × 70 cm, 70 × 20 cm, 70 × 120 cm
陳雲 Chen Yun緒。沉吟絮思如幾何交錯疊隱 Sentiments. Musings and Thoughts Entwined in a Hidden Geometric Embrace., 2023Acrylic on canvas70 × 70 cm, 70 × 20 cm, 70 × 120 cm
陳雲翼。條枝結晶成樹鋪沿匿影之夢 Wings. Branches Crystallize Into a Tree Carpet, Along the Dream of Hidden Shadows., 2022Acrylic on canvas30 × 30 cm × 3 pieces
陳雲渚。水天變幻如心畔隨風散聚 Shore. Thoughts, Adrift on the Wind’s Sway, Mirror the Fluid Transform of Water and Sky., 2022Acrylic on canvas30 × 30 cm × 3 pieces
陳雲聆。念想如絲如絮隨風游散 Listening. Thoughts, Adrift Like Threads, Wander and Scatter With the Whims of the Wind., 2022Acrylic on canvas30 × 30 cm × 3 pieces
Past exhibition