BACK_Y is pleased to present a solo exhibition 'Inner Sceneries' by French artist Claire Borde. Borde's artistic practice is deeply rooted in her fascination with natural phenomena that are difficult to articulate through language, such as streams, morning fog, water surfaces, and wind. She internalizes these elements, which serve as inspiration for her creative process.


Upon facing the canvas, Borde summons and contemplates the relationships between these landscapes in her consciousness. In the manner of a choreographer, Borde uses her delicate bodily sensations to find form and color for these inner sceneries. Her creative process shares similarities with choreography in its emphasis on movement and spatial relationships. Rather than creating, the artist's drawings and paintings seem to extract the traces of life as she confronts the fragility, thinness, fragmentation, trembling, and smearing of her lines and colors. This state of creation between drawing and painting evokes the works of the artist Cy Twombly (American, April 25, 1928 - July 5, 2011); however, Borde's works eschew the exuberance and vigor of Twombly's style. Instead, she calmly guides her lines according to her will, and the pigments flow steadily along her brush tip, occasionally meandering or intermittent, sometimes firm and other times weak. Her oeuvre is a fusion of her current thoughts and childhood memories, exuding a series of exquisite sighs.