Tsai Pou-Ching participates in the group show "Glory of Sublime Mountains: Ridges between Awe and Respect" at Tainan Art Museum.: Museum Exhibition

17 June - 26 November 2023 

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Artist Tsai Pou-Ching is participating in the curated exhibition titled "Glory of Sublime Mountains: Ridges between Awe and Respect" with his series of works, 'Song of the Russet Sparrow,' at the Tainan Art Museum.


The exhibition "Glory of Sublime Mountains: Ridges between Awe and Respect," held at the Tainan Art Museum, comprises three subthemes: "The Realm of Spiritual Motions between Brightness and Darkness," "Following the Clear and Bright Light," and "Co-creation with Mountains." Each subtheme describes various aspects of mountains, ranging from their mightiness and closeness to their mystery and familiarity. The exhibition explores how humans physically and mentally perceive and relate to mountains, drawing upon the experiences gained through awe and respect. Its aim is to delve into the diverse patterns of human-mountain coexistence in Taiwan and examine how people document and experience the island's natural terrain.



Tsai Pou-Ching, a Taiwanese artist born in 1986, live and works in Tainan. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts at National University of Tainan in 2014, with a specialization in video and installation art, Tsai's artistic practice centers predominantly on the contextual realm of biological research. By deliberately employing erroneous and contrived methodologies, he appropriates the biological system as a conduit for artistic expression while simultaneously facilitating value transformation.